Archivi categoria : Cybersecurity

Lifeshield: la vulnerabilità nelle videocamere di sicurezza

È stata identificata una vulnerabilità nelle videocamere di sicurezza Lifeshield. Questa permetterebbe agli hacker di catturare lo streaming video e rubare le riprese. Bitdefender Labs ha individuato una vulnerabilità nelle videocamere di sicurezza di Lifeshield, grazie a cui i criminali riuscirebbero a intercettare lo streaming in tempo reale. In questo modo l’attacco hacker potrebbe compromettere tutte le immagini salvate nel Cloud.
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Cisco 2021: The Age of Privacy Data Privacy Benchmark Study

In this year’s Data Privacy Benchmark Study, we’ve found strong evidence that privacy has become an even more important priority during the pandemic. Privacy budgets have increased over the last year, organizations have more resources focused on privacy, and privacy investments going above and beyond the law are translating into real business value. Privacy legislation…
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NIST – Data Integrity Recovering from Ransomware and Other Destructive Events

Executive Summary Data integrity attacks have compromised corporate information including emails, employee records, financial records, and customer data. Destructive malware, ransomware, malicious insider activity, and even honest mistakes all set the stage for why organizations need to quickly recover from an event that alters or destroys data. Businesses must be confident that recovered data is…
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