Archivi categoria : GDPR

2024 – Miei corsi di taglio pratico disponibili presso la ITER srl

Se siete interessati ad uno dei seguenti corsi: Internet of Things (IoT): Privacy e Sicurezza Sicurezza Informatica: vulnerabilità sistema informativo e sito web Data Recovery and Digital Forensics Laboratory Data Breach: gestione degli adempimenti secondo il GDPR Audit tecnico dei Sistemi Informativi Cybersecurity Incident Management visionate il link
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Facebook data leak – 533M Facebook users’ personal data leaked online

A leaker says they are offering information on more than 500 million Facebook users – including phone numbers and other data – virtually for free. The database has been online since last June. Alon Gal, co-founder of Israeli cybercrime intelligence firm Hudson Rock, said on Saturday the database appears to be the same set of Facebook-linked…
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The Executive’s Guide to the CIS Controls – Tripwire

If you’re like most executives, you must feel positively inundated with the volumes of material made available to you about the challenges of enterprise cybersecurity and the serious consequences of malicious hacking on business and society. Indeed, every day we are treated to a stream of news articles, television reports and government advisories about cyber…
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What Is Security Operations Center?

A Security Operations Center is a team of cybersecurity personnel dedicated to monitoring and analyzing an organization’s security while responding to potential or current breaches. The team is responsible for scanning all the security systems in real time. This first line of defense works around the clock to protect an organization’s security infrastructure from potential…
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