Archivi categoria : Malware

Kobalos, il nuovo malware Linux

White paper della nota ESET che ha scoperto questa nuova vulnerabilità. EXECUTIVE SUMMARY ESET Research has analyzed Kobalos, previously unknown and complex multiplatform malwaretargeting Linux, FreeBSD and Solaris systems. Given that the victims of this threat are mostly high-profile organizations, it seems almost certain this malware is deployed against chosen targets rather than opportunistically. When…
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‘FreakOut’ Botnet Targets Unpatched Linux Systems

Si chiama FreakOut il potente botnet che sta attaccando il sistema Linux con il tentativo inserire un malware nello stesso per rubarne l’identità. La nuova variante malware utilizzata, FreakOut, se sfruttata con successo, può trasformare ogni dispositivo infetto in una piattaforma di attacco per lanciarne di ulteriori attacchi, come ad esempio l’utilizzo di risorse di sistema…
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Phishing remains a popular method of stealing credentials, committing fraud, and distributing malware. But what appears on the surface to be a juvenile form of cybercrime can be, in practice, a well-orchestrated, multi-faceted, and sustained attack campaign by organized crime groups. From finding victims and creating phishing sites, to harvesting and fraudulently using victims’ credentials,…
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Common SSL Attacks – What Kind of Attacks Does SSL Prevent?

SSL is the standard in online security.  It is used to encrypt data sent over the Internet between a client (your computer) and a server (a website's computer).  this automatically prevents many types of attacks: if a hacker intercepts encrypted data, the hacker can't read it or use it without the private decryption key. SSL…
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